Q: How do I care for my beaded jewelry?
A: Our work is pretty sturdy. To preserve the life of your new beaded jewelry, please follow these recommendations:
- Store your jewelry separately so it doesn't scratch other jewelry in a clean, dry place (plastic bags are wonderful for protecting jewelry pieces)
- Always try to store your beaded necklaces or bracelets flat.
- Jewelry should only be put on after washing and applying any makeup, hair spray, gels, lotions or perfume.
- Try to protect any jewelry from harsh chemicals, extreme temperatures and sunlight.
- Take care to avoid tossing your beaded jewelry or dropping it onto hard surfaces to prevent any gemstones or crystals from chipping.
- You should never wear any jewelry when swimming or showering. The chlorine can damage it.
- We use no more than 1 to 4 beads in a single stitch and the back of the embroidery is coated in glue before being adhered and stitched to the leather backing. If a row of beads ever breaks, the other rows will not unravel, as the broken stitch can be repaired.
- We use variety of beads such as Swarovski crystals, semi-precious stones, fresh-water pearls, glass, corals, etc. For this reason, there is no "universal cleaner” for the front of the piece. A damp cloth can be used to wipe dust. Crystals or glass beads can be polished with jewelry polishing cloth or jewelry wipes.
- To remove tarnishing from all metal parts, use jewelry wipes or a polishing cloth to bring the shine back.
A: They take a lot of time to design and make.
- Iryna personally designs all of her jewelry.
- She needs to collect the materials, coordinate the colors, find the base, backing and clasp.
- The design is unique.
- It takes 5 to 35 hours to finish one jewelry piece.
- When adding it to the store, the photos have to be uploaded and description need to be written.
- The promotion is also very important. If you don’t get the word out, no one will know about you. It takes around 20 minutes to promote an item on various social networking sites.
- Price of the materials is also included in the final price. Some of the stones and Swarovski crystals are pretty expensive.
- This is all taken into consideration for the final price.